I've managed to get the output you want by doing a couple of things.
Remove the quotes around the colon
If you only want a single property, use the split command (but you will need to parse the result)
You can use the JSON_QUERY function, which allows you to get multiple values at once (check out the documentation)
This is the code:
var f2 = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(path));
var entries = result.Children().Where(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x["key"].Value())).ToArray();
var size = entries.Length;
var time = entries.Last().Values("creation_time").ToArray();
var name = entries.Last().Values("local_size").ToArray();
var d1 = new DateTime(name[0].ToString(), time[0].ToString(), 0);
var year = d1.Year;
var month = d1.Month;
var day = d1.Day;
var hour = d1.Hour;
var minute = d1.Minute;
var second = d1.Second;
var hour1 = time[0].ToString().Substring(0,2);
var minute1 = time[0].ToString().Substring(2,2);
var second1 = time[0].ToString().Substring(4,2);
var month1 = time[0].ToString().Substring(6,2);
var day1 = time[0].ToString().Substring(8,2);
var year1 = d1.Year;
var month2 = year1.Substring(0,2);
var day2 = year1.Substring(2,2);
var hour2 = year1.Substring(4,2);
var minute2 = year1.Substring(6,2);
var second2 = year1.Substring(8,2);
The last line, however, is superfluous. If you try to serialize an array, it will just serialize the array as an object.
Side note: ac619d1d87
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